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looks like you had a great holiday!


That looks like a wonderful holiday. And how nice that Shuma has a cousin so close in age!


Ooh, I've been looking forwards to your oshougatsu post! It looks like you had a wonderful time.


Hi Amy

I have been reading your blog since 2005, never made a comment. i just want to say this is one of the best blogs I've read, your family and friends in both countries are amazing. the children are too cute, I have seen pics of Marya when she was a baby, now she is the Older Sister. =)

Keep up the great work, All the Best!

Wow, thanks for reading all that time! -Amy



I love your oshougatsu post last year and have been looking forward to your 2011 oshougatsu post! The food this year looks really sophisticated and it has given me a few ideas on what to cook for our Chinese New Year feast in 2 weeks time. Shacho Shuma is absolutely adorable as he grows and learn how to use his hands!


Happy new year! Love the blog posts as always, have been reading you for years and plan on doing so for more. Shuma is the kaichou of cuteness -- I don't particularly think most young babies are cute, but he is definitely a looker!


Happy New Year! A great post, I really enjoyed it. Shuma-chan's expression out in the snow was just too much!


Our in-laws had a Pomeranian too. Taku's first meeting with their dog wasn't as peaceful, though, Taku got excited and picked the dog up by his back fur :-0 They did not become friends until quite a while later!

Oh no! Shuma's older cousin doesn't get along with Shiro, I do hope they become friends one day. -Amy


Des vacances bien sympathiques.
Shuma semble vraiment avoir un heureux caractère, il sourit si souvent :)
Les parents d'Ideaki sont comblés, deux beaux petits-fils presqu'en même temps!
Miam, toute cette nourriture est tellement appétissante.. C'est toujours un plaisir de lire votre blog!


love it, the food looks amazing this year too, and even better with little babies sprinkled throughout :D Love the one with shuma meeting his cousin and the one in the snow completely unimpressed lol.

Whenever I know there'll be some nice drinking I try and express milk in the morning..have you tried this? It's nice for that 1 big drinking binge (2 glasses lol).

He's doing really well in the bumbo! My baby has just recently begun holding her big head up in the bumbo (5 months)

Thanks Lil! Sadly, Shuma still hasn't figured out how to drink from a bottle, so no drinking binges for me! As far as I can tell from the research I've done, such a tiny amount of alcohol is passed on through breastmilk that a couple of drinks isn't anything to worry about. And same as you, a couple is really all than I can handle these days anyway :) -Amy

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